Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Roasted red peppers Salad

Red peppers : 3 whole
Garlic : 2 clove
Vinegar or (Balsamic vinegar)
Extra virgin olive oil
Lemon juice

Put red peppers to owen or if you make a barbeque or grill you can also put on a fire too, cook each side .
Remove the skin, clean the seeds.
Add 2 small diced garlic cloves,4 drops of vinegar and 3 drop of lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil.

Mix it, serve it,eat it :)

Enjoy your meal!

I prefer to eat in the mornings, you can serve as a side dish. It is also tasty with all kind of meats.


Anonymous said...

This looks YUMMY! I like your web site.

Oz said...

Thank you dear:) It means a lot! :)

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